Andalusian Public Health System Biobank

The Andalusian Public Health System Biobank is an initiative of the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health to promote biomedical research and protect the rights of citizens who donate their samples and associated data for research. The Andalusian Biobank is organized as a network made up of nodes linked to health institutions in each province, with decentralized activity but with a common ethical-legal framework and an comprehensive Quality Management System. Additionally, the Coordinating Node in Granada is a support platform in charge of the electronic database configuration and management, training, dissemination, quality, research and innovation activities, and monitoring of the nodes, as well as the functions derived from the ISCIII National Stem Cell Bank.


• Provision of human biological samples: oncological collections and controls
• Provision of umbilical cord blood
• Andalusian Registry of Donors for Biomedical Research
• Obtention of derivatives: blood fractionation, tissue sections, nucleic acids
• Quality control of samples
• Provision of human cell lines: tumor cell lines, MSCs, fibroblasts, hPSCs from the National Stem Cell Bank
• Derivation or reprogramming, and banking of cell lines
• Cell lines and organoids characterization
• Training and consulting

Responsible name and surname

Rocío Aguilar-Quesada

Postal address

Parque Tecnológico Ciencias de la Salud Centro de Investigación Biomédica Avda. del Conocimiento s/n - 18016 Granada
