Biobanco en Red de Enfermedades Oncológicas de Castilla y León
The Coordinating Node of the Network Biobank of Oncological Diseases of Castilla y León (BEOCyL), coordinates all requests for tissue samples that researchers (internal or external) make to any of the 7 nodes (biobanks) that constitute the Network, located in different Hospitals of Castilla y León. In addition, the Coordinating Node develops the quality control of the BEOCyL and provides different Molecular Pathology services, of human and transgenic animal samples, to researchers who request it.
• Routine tissue processing and histological staining.
• Histochemistry Techniques (which you can see detailed in the information of our Service)
• Immunohistochemistry Techniques: preparation of Protocols for each requested antibody, as well as the performance of immunohistochemistry techniques with the antibodies already prepared, and detailed in the information of our Service.
• Tissue microarray techniques (TMA). It allows the simultaneous study (morphological, molecular) of a series of multiple cases with minimal variation biases.
• Diagnosis of human samples and/or murine models, by the Responsible Pathologist, if required by the Researcher.
• Microscopy Services: Multihead optical microscope; Fluorescence Microscope; and DOT SLIDE Virtual Microscope, for scanning samples
• Laser microdissection of different samples: Fresh and fixed tissue; Archival histological material; living cell; Biofilms; Chromosome preparations; Cytospin; forensic material; IF and IHC preparations
• Image acquisition and analysis using bright field and fluorescence. AxiovisionSE64(zvi, tif, jpg,…): Multichannel; Z-stack; Extended Focus; Time-lapse; and MosaiX
• Acquisition and analysis of images by low resolution scanner: Transmitted light and fluorescence: JPG and TIF