Biobank MD Anderson
The Biobank is the department in charge of managing the collection, processing, storage, transfer and custody of surplus diagnostic samples, the associated informed consents and the necessary clinical information. Its objective is to promote translational research, contributing to an increase in scientific production and its quality. The Biobank is essentially a biological sample management system that offers a catalogue and services to researchers, in the context of intramural and extramural projects.
Services offered by our Biobank:
- Coordination and storage of sample collections in multicenter studies.
- Control and management of informed consents and/or clinical documentation associated with the samples deposited in the Biobank.
- Preparation for conservation of samples of serum, plasma, blood and other types of biological material. Technical and scientific advice on the creation of new collections, work methodologies.
- Reception and sending of samples, associated document management.
- Storage and custody of biological samples.
- Histological techniques (preparation of paraffin blocks, frozen tissue, hematoxylin-eosin or other types of stains/markings).
- Cellular techniques (purification of mononuclear cells, peripheral blood or PBLs, PBMCs, culture of tumor cells, maintenance of cell lines).
- Molecular techniques: Extraction and quantification of DNA and RNA.
Collections of interest in our Biobank:
- MD21-011: COVID-19 POST-VACCINATION IMMUNITY: Collection of post-vaccine serums from Healthy Donors.
- MD23-003: BONE MARROW ASPIRATE COLLECTION: Collection of bone marrow aspirate specimens from patients with hematologic diseases Lymphomas/Leukemia.
- TMA: COLLECTION OF Tissue Micro Arrays: Collection of blocks of Tissue Micro Array of different pathologies: Breast Cancer/Ovarian Breast Type/Lung Cancer/Hodgkin’s Lymphoma/ Cell Lymphoma.
- MD22-014: HODGKIN LYMPHOMA COLLECTION: Prospective collection collection of plasma/serum samples from patients diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma.
- ISCIII C.0001749: COLECCIÓN DE CA MAMA: Paraffin fabric.
Responsible name and surname
Juan Fernando García García
Postal address