
Biobank Hospital Universitario de la Princesa

The Biobank Hospital de La Princesa emerged as part of the strategy of ISCIII to implement cooperative structures. It is managed by its Biomedical Research Foundation, and was authorized by the Community of Madrid in 2013, and is registered at ISCIII (B.0000763). The main mission of the Biobank is to act as a public service of the highest quality in all its activities, working as a support unit that streamlines the use of samples and data in biomedical research, while maintaining a strong commitment to its own ethical principles and strict compliance with current legislation, which guarantees the protection and rights of donors.


• Scientific-technical and ethical advice.
• Creation of new collections and their management.
• Custody of collections of biological samples and/or associated information.
• Establishment of standard procedures for the collection, processing and storage of samples.
• Development of laboratory techniques.
• Cryopreservation of tissues.
• Cellular and molecular techniques.
• Curricular and extra-curricular training activities (in different educational stages).
• Collections of high scientific interest among which it is worth mentioning: Adults with Down Syndrome, inflammatory diseases of autoimmune origin (rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, IBD…), brain and radicular tumors, liver biopsies.
• Collaborations with research groups in the development of new research models.

Responsible name and surname

María del Mar Ortega Gómez

Postal address

C/Diego de León 62 - 28006 Madrid
