
Navarrabiomed Biobank

The Navarrabiomed Biobank contributes to biomedical research by providing the scientific community with human biological samples and quality associated information, protecting the rights of donors both legally and ethically.
Activity at the Biobank focuses on the provision of samples and relevant data for the development of research projects.
In addition, the Biobank offers technical-scientific and consulting services to researchers.
The Biobank reports to two external bodies: the Scientific Committee (CC) and the Ethics Committee for Drug Research of the Community of Navarra (CEIm Navarra).


– Collections:
Neurological Tissue Bank
Tumour Bank
Autoimmune, autoinflammatory and self-mediated diseases
Diabetes mellitus I
Gastric cancer
Epilepsy at school age
Cardiorenal disease
Adenocarcinoma of the pancreas
Asthmatic patients
Acute and chronic pancreatitis
Elderly patients with hip fracture
Neurology Serum and Genotype Library
Bioliopancreatic tumours

– Transfer of samples and data

– Collection management for research projects

– Scientific-technical advice

– Ethical-legal advice

– Sample processing:
Cellular techniques (isolation of PBMC)
Isolation of blood components (plasma, serum, buffy coat…)
Tissue processing (fresh or cryo freezing, fixation, preparation of paraffin blocks…)
Processing of other types of samples (saliva, bile, urine, etc.).

– Histology (histological sections, staining of samples, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence…).

– Procurement, processing and preservation of neurological tissue.

– Other services on request

Responsible name and surname

Roberto Hernán Izquierdo

Postal address

Irunlarrea 3, Hospital Universitario de Navarra, Edificio de Investigación, 2ª planta - 31008 Pamplona
