Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute

The IGTP-HUGTP Biobank (B.0000643) is structured in the following units:
• Fluid node. It works with a wide variety of samples (blood derivatives and other biological fluids) corresponding to different types of diseases or population groups.
• Tumour Bank. One of the most important resources in the study of cancer are tumour tissues, as well as control (non-tumour) tissues. Precisely, its objective is to obtain and store these samples to offer them to researchers and advance in improving the diagnosis, prognosis, prevention and/or treatment of cancer.
• Hematological neoplasms node. In collaboration with the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute, it manages and offers various types of samples associated with leukaemias and other haematological diseases in order to advance the study of haematological cancer.


The Biobank makes available to the scientific community:
• Various types of human and animal samples (blood derivatives, DNA, RNA and a wide variety of tissues) corresponding to different collections cataloged by diseases or population groups (healthy controls).
• Technical and sample processing services

• Neoplasms/cancer
• Infectious (COVID19, HIV, tuberculosis)
• Neurological and neurodegenerative diseases (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, ataxias)
• Respiratory diseases (asthma, SAOS, COPD, bronchiectasis, Influenza A)
• Non-alcoholic fatty liver
• Cardiovascular (peripheral artery disease, heart failure)
• Dermatological (psoriasis)
• Digestive (Crohn’s disease, colitis)
• Diabetes
• Kidney transplant
• Obesity
• Addictions (to toxic substances, risky consumption of alcohol)
• Control population (healthy)

Responsible name and surname

Edurne Pedrosa Berrio

Postal address

Crta. Can Ruti, Cami de les Escoles s/n - 8916 Barcelona
