Biobizkaia HRI

3D printing and bioprinting platform. Biobizkaia HRI

Since 2015, the 3D printing and bioprinting platform has accumulated experience in medical devices and prototypes development . It has consolidated itself as one of the leading platforms in Spain. Its growth in recent years has been supported by projects funded through competitive calls, publications in high-impact journals, as well as various protected products such as industrial designs or patents.
Generating evidence for the use of personalised devices in clinical practice, simulations, developing phantoms, designing medical prototypes and designing new instruments are regular activities of the Platform. Bioprinting is another strategic research area of the platform, where most of the scientific production is generated.


-Design and manufacture of multi-material anatomical models
– Custom device design and manufacture
– Training simulator design and manufacture
– Contribute to research into designing and developing advanced therapeutic products using 3D bioprinting
– Designing and prototyping accessory medical devices
– Project technical consultancy
– Training

Responsible name and surname

Rubén Israel García Fernández

Postal address

Plaza de Cruces - 48903 Bizkaia
