MARBiobanc is the Parc de Salut Mar’s biobank. It is a public non-profit organization that gathers various biological samples collections conceived for biomedical research purposes. MARBiobanc is organized as a technical unit with standards of quality, order and purpose. The biobank handles the biological samples requests and its associated clinical data, including request reception, consult the biobank external committee’s (Scientific and Ethic Committees), prepare the documentation and the Biological Material Transfer Agreements (MTA) and select the samples and associated data for the investigators.


Samples requests management:
• Prepare the samples requested: anonymization, Informed Consent review, cryopreserved and paraffin-embedded tissue processing and basic histological staining and IHC.
• Nucleic acid extraction
• Serum and plasma isolation and aliquoted
• Peripheral Blood lymphocytes purification and cryopreservation
• Sample and its information associated preparation and transport to external centers.
• Coding and labelling.
• Storage and traceability of biological human samples of several collections.
• Management of project collections, research lines collections and biobank collections (samples, documentation and data associated).
• Research lines collections register to the ISCIII electronic platform.
• Coordinate sample collections in multicenter studies.
• Support for research of samples in other biobanks.
List of collections:
• Left over diagnose sample bank
• Cryopreserved tumour bank
• Hematological malignancies bank
• DNA bank for oncological diseases
• DNA bank for cardiovascular diseases
• Cerebral infarction (ICTUS) sample bank: serum and plasma
• FORTIAM, acute myocardial infarction sample collection: serum, plasma and cellular pellets
• Bank of lung disease samples (Lung Biobank Platform)
• ERyME: Sample collection from patients with rheumatic or muscle-skeletal disease
• GLOSEN: Glomerular diseases sample collection


Responsible name and surname


Postal address

IMIM (Institut Hospital del Mar d’Investigacions Mèdiques). Edificio PRBB. Doctor Aiguader 88. - 08003 Barcelona
