Biobanco de RedInRen

RedInRen Biobank

The Biobank was created in 2006 as a platform of the Renal Research Network (now RICORS 2040 Kidney Disease), a consortium of clinical and research groups funded by the Carlos III Health Institute, for the study of kidney diseases. It is defined as a non-profit entity, which works to ensure that researchers in the field of nephrology can have the best possible biological samples to advance in the understanding of these diseases, providing useful elements for their prevention and treatment and, ultimately, to improve the quality of life of people with kidney problems.


We support 23 clinical and basic research groups that send samples of Nephrology services from all over the country. We are members of the European Society for Biopreservation and Biobanking (ESBB) and ISBER. The Biobank is owned by the University of Alcalá. The Biobank is subject to Law 14/2007 on Biomedical Research and Royal Decree 1716/2011. It has been accredited by the Community of Madrid in 2013 and registered in the National Registry of Biobanks of the ISCIII with registration number B.0000931. The REDinREN biobank has been certified under the UNE-EN-ISO 9001 standard since 2013.

It collects, after obtaining informed consent, biological samples for conservation and storage, for later use for research purposes. Collections. DNA, RNA, Cell, Plasma, Serum and Urine samples of the following diseases: Amyloidosis, Glomerulonephritis, Nephroangiosclerosis, Tubulo-Interstitial Nephrology, Polycystic Cystosis, Vasculitis, Diabetic, Ischemic and Lupus Nephropathy.

Responsible name and surname

Laura Calleros Basilio

Postal address

​Universidad de Alcalá. Facultad de Medicina. Campus universitario. Crta. Madrid-Barcelona Km 33.600
