UNIDAD DE PLANIFICACIÓN AVANZADA Y MANUFACTURA 3D. Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón.

UPAM3D provides in-hospital care services for surgical planning, design and manufacture of custom-made medical devices. To do this, it has a license of manufacturer of medical devices with scope for biomodels, guides and implants; in addition to the certification of ISO 13485 standard of medical device.

This makes continuous monitoring of the quality management system and the applicable regulatory requirements absolutely necessary.


We are consultants of regulation of sanitary product to measure under ISO13485 and we have in constant update the map of processes and the PNT of our unit, we have signed strategic alliances of clinical innovation with other public hospitals, we have license of manufacturer of sanitary device to measure (class I, IIa and IIb), we validate and test new materials, and we develop with different industries (with which we have signed agreement of I+D+i via Foundation of research FIBHGM).

Responsible name and surname

Rubén Pérez-Mañanes

Postal address

Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón Pabellón Anexo a Psiquiatría - 2ª Planta C/ Ibiza, 43.28009.Madrid.
