Red de Biobancos de Castilla-La Mancha

La Red de Biobancos de Castilla la Mancha (BioB_CLM), está formada por tres Biobancos acreditados e inscritos en el Registro Nacional de Biobancos.: Biobanco de la Gerencia de Atención Integrada de Albacete. nº B.0000521, Biobanco del Hospital General Universitario de Ciudad Real (BB-HGUCR) nº B.0001206 y Biobanco del Hospital Virgen de la Salud (BioB-HVS) nº B.0000520. Los tres nodos están coordinados, teniendo un coordinador de la red.


Services provided by the NETWORK:
– Capture, management, manipulation and storage of human biological samples and their corresponding documentation, in a biobank regime.
– Transfer of samples and clinical documentation to biomedical research projects duly approved by the corresponding scientific and ethical committees.
– Custody of collections of biological samples and/or associated information, for biomedical research promoted by research groups from Castilla la Mancha.
– Preparation of derivatives from human samples for research (tissue arrays, DNA, RNA, histological sections, immunohistochemistry, etc.).
– Ethical-legal advice regarding the operation of the Network’s biobanks, in accordance with the legislation in force and according to the needs of the research groups.
– Coordination of the different sample collections of the biobanks that form the network for multicenter studies
– Coordination of training plans for personnel assigned to the network’s biobanks
– Personalized services according to the needs of the different groups of researchers.

1 Fresh tissue processing
2 Processing of tissue in paraffin
3 Tissue freezing
4 Manufacturing of paraffin blocks
5 Histological sections of paraffin blocks
6 Histological sections of frozen material blocks
7 Histological stains
8 Special stains
9 Histochemical stains
10 Immunohistochemical stains
11 In situ hybridization
12 Morphological and phenotypic assessment of tissue sections
13 Digitizing images
14 Preparation and processing of Tissue array of tissue
15 Flow cytometry
16 Management and preservation of blood and other fluids
17 Obtaining DNA
18 Obtaining RNA

Sample Collections:
– Collection of tumor samples from different anatomical locations
– Collection of non-tumor samples from different anatomical locations
– Collection of samples of non-tumor diseases (renal, digestive, respiratory, infectious, inflammatory, neurological, neurodegenerative…)
– Population sample collection

Nombre y apellidos del responsable

Manuela Mollejo Villanueva

Dirección postal

Av. del Río Guadiana, 2-10 - 45007 Toledo
